Dear Customers,
Please note that the following Liberty Service Centers will serve you on May 9 and 12:
- Gori s/c 4;
- Larsi Customs s/c 1;
- Vale Customs s/c 1;
- Ninotsminda Customs s/c 1;
- Kartsakhi s/c 1.
- Varketili s/c 5;
- Lilo s/c 2;
- Sadakhlo Customs s/c 1;
- Lagodekhi Customs s/c 1;
- Guguti Customs s/c 1;
- Kutaisi Aerport s/c 1;
- Sarpi Customs s/c 1;
- Batumi Airport s/c 1 (on call);
- Batumi port s/c 1 (on call);
- Batumi s/c 16;
- Batumi s/c 22;
- Tsiteli Khidi Customs s/c 1;
- Poti s/c 3;
- Poti Port s/c 1;
- Poti Service Center 645;
- Poti Service Center 7.