Auto Loan

Loan provided by a car without any additional expenses

The fastest Auto Loan, with the most simple and convenient conditions.
Get Auto Loan without any additional expenses.
  • You will get the loan amount in 45 minutes
  • The loan can be obtained by providing a new and secondary vehicle.
  • During the borrowing period the car remains in your possession with the right to drive.
Loan Currency GEL
Loan amount 1000-100,000 GEL
Vehicle Value Up to 80%
Term 1-60 Months
Interest rate From 3.42% Monthly
Effective 49.65%
Commission fee 0%
Liability expenses Free


Get Auto Loan at Liberty's service centers


Fill out the application

By clicking the “I accept” button below and entering the SMS code sent on the phone number indicated above, I confirm that the data provided by me is accurate, complete and valid, and that the abovementioned phone number and e-mail address belong to me; I am aware that, as the Data Controller, JSC Liberty Bank (ID 203828304, Tbilisi, Ilia Chavchavadze ave №74) shall process My Personal Data to review the application submitted/provide requested service in accordance with Data Protection Policy available at the Bank’s website which I have fully read and agree to.

SMS Code